The risk and reward of leadership

The Risk and reward of leadership

Looking back on your life and career, when were the times that you learned the most?

Though there is plenty to learn from one day to the next, they often blur together. One long stream of activity from sun up to sun down.

New, different, challenges, struggles, wins, celebrations…those tend to stand out. Most lessons come when our efforts are punctuated with highs and lows. Opportunities we’ve taken advantage of, or setbacks we had to dust ourselves off from.

Leadership is a daily learning opportunity. We have the chance to learn from our own ups and downs, as well as those in our charge.

As leaders, we will have greater responsibility and risk. Sometimes, we may feel like we are hanging out over the abyss, doing our best to keep a foothold while providing a foundation for those we lead.

The risk may be great, but the rewards cannot be beat. When you genuinely connect with someone, helping them through a challenging situation, career decision, or personal struggle. Knowing you made a difference that can last a lifetime.

Every day, you have the opportunity to change the world. One person at a time.


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