Too many things in motion? Simple steps to regain a sense of control.

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We all have a lot going on across the five priority areas of our lives. Some days we may feel like we have it all together. Others, it may seem like everything is in motion and there’s little we can do to manage the chaos.

There are a few steps we can take to regain a sense of control. The first is to have one thing that anchors us that we can invest a little of our time in each day. It might be fitness, connecting with loved ones, or a beloved hobby. When we have that one thing, it gives us stability we can count on as we try to address challenges. Ideally, we pick from our “spice of life” so the activity gives us energy that the struggles may be draining away.

Next, we can decide which of our priority areas needs attention first. Evaluate all of them to determine what is time sensitive and what can afford to wait (“get “put on the shelf”). Pick things that we can act on and have a need for today. Worrying about the future takes energy away from the now. If there’s nothing we can do in this moment, we can keep it on the shelf until its time comes. Otherwise, we add worry on top of our to do list.

If we stay anchored in something we can control each day, and tackle our priorities as we can, when we can, things start to seem more manageable. There may still be a lot to do, and more than we feel we can get done some days, but let’s not take more on our shoulders by worrying about things we can’t do in the present.


4 Responses

  1. Kristin,
    Loved it! “Worrying about future takes energy away from the now”. This is a lesson that we all should learn. It’s difficult but controlling your mind is the key for better goods 😊

    1. Thank you Bonya! Agreed…difficult lesson that I have to remind myself of every day.

      1. I am teaching myself the same. A difficult lesson indeed. But the only person that I can control is “myself”. Hence controlling my mind is the key ❤️So glad we met

        1. Me as well Bonya. Our actions and reactions are in our control, even when it feels like those are a lot to manage! The one thing I can do is open myself to new connections – including you! Shared experiences often make them easier to bear.

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