Leadership Inspiration – Learn How to Say No

Leadership Inspiration - Learn How to Say No

The art of leadership is saying no


My first word was no.  I had to figure out 101 ways to say yes.

Yes is easy.  It’s the path of least resistance.  It’s what those around us often want to hear.

No, on the other hand, may be seen as combative.  Disagreeable.  Difficult.

Instead, the right answer may be not yet.  Not exactly.  Not quite.  If it’s considered difficult to say words that need to be said, take the time and make the effort to get things right, then maybe difficult is the way to be.

The art of leadership is saying no.  When to say no.  How to say no.  Saying no in a way that can be accepted by the individual or team.  It means dealing with fallout and disappointment, when everyone else may want you to say yes.

I may have learned to say yes, but the more important thing I learned was to own my no.  Even if it comes with a difficult label, I believe a label is easier to live with than a misplaced yes.


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