Leadership Inspiration – Relative Importance

Leadership Inspiration Relative Importance

Is x really more important than our y?-2

It’s easy to get caught up in our perception of things.  After all, we are the only ones living in our brain.

Our perception is our reality.  We just have to remember it is not the only reality.

Getting caught up isn’t the issue – it’s allowing our perception to negatively impact those around us.

We don’t have to.  We can control our actions and reactions.  We get to decide how – or whether – to respond to what goes on around us.  To how we are treated by others.  To others’ actions or inactions.

Next time, just ask this question…

Is my (A) really more important than our (B)?

Fill (A) in with the perceived risk…ego, fear, hurt feelings, or deadline.

Fill (B) in with the REAL risk…customers, team members, relationships, or project.

Now read the question out loud and answer it.

I’ll give you a hint.  The answer is no.  It is always no.  Sometimes we just need to ask the question and remind ourselves.


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