5 powerful reminders I found when searching an old pending file

Reminder Image

The end of one year and the start of another is a great time to take stock of our lives.  It’s also an opportunity to clean out our “junk drawers” so to speak.  Anyone else have random boxes, baskets, or drawers with random things in them?  

I recently bought a battery charger for my camera because I couldn’t find any of the three I already owned. Fortunately, I found one of them in time and could return what I bought.  Weeks later, I found another in a random box I thought was for extra charging cables.  Oops.

It’s one example of many, but taking the time to go through our old junk drawers may reveal long-lost treasures.  Things of value that can be put in their proper place.  Or, just junk we can get rid of and create space for what’s new in our lives.

One of my “junk drawers” is my pending articles file.  To be fair, I have more than one.  There are endless half-started drafts in various spots in my writing folder.  When I go through them, sometimes they provide inspiration for me to finish what I started.  Other times, I’m inspired to write something new.

Today, I found a list of notions that were the start of articles I wrote a few years ago.  They were a great reminder on the first of the year of inspiration I can take with me for the next 365 days.


If you don’t own the story, you can’t change the ending.  If you don’t own the story, the story owns you.

Life isn’t what’s happening to me, it’s what’s happening for me.  I can choose to make my story my own and begin a new chapter.  Today.


A setback is not a stop sign.  It signals our next breakthrough.

Adulting is hard and the road can be bumpy.  If I get turned around or run into trouble, it’s not a sign I should stop.  It’s a sign that I’m about to level up.


I don’t have to be fearless.  I just need to fear less.

While I try not to live in fear, being a parent means having a piece of your heart walking around outside your body.  Oh, the fears I have at times about his present and future as he approaches adulthood.  They won’t stop, but I can do my best to fear less.


Practice what you know, and it will help make clear what you do not know.

Leaning into my gifts and using them in new ways helps reveal opportunities to develop.  Whether it’s new skills, knowledge, or context, there’s always something I don’t know and can learn.


Be daring in the places you’ve feared; reclaim your courage

So often the thing I fear ends up being exactly what I need to move forward.  If I’m feeling stuck with fear immobilizing me, it’s likely time to do the thing I’m afraid of.

The gift of the unexpected

As you’re heading into the new year, what unexpected gifts await?  Maybe take some time to clean out those drawers, boxes, etc to rediscover hidden gems and make space for the new.

What’s the best or most surprising thing you’ve found tucked away that forgot you had? Please share your story in the comments.


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