A New Year and a Powerful New Intention

New Year Image

The year is coming to an end.  While I believe we can change anything in the moment, regardless of a specific day (like New Year’s Day triggering resolutions), I do tend to look back and forward to consider an intention for the year ahead.  Not a resolution per se, but what have I learned – on purpose or by accident – that can influence me going forward?  What good thing can I bring more of in the new year?

I’ve been pondering something for the last few weeks.  I had an aha moment that I’ve been trying to wrap my head around.  Something I wasn’t sure how to articulate or share.  It was a simple moment, but often meaningful change and impact come from such opportunities.

I was sitting with my brand photographer, Theresa, scrolling through the amazing images she took. 

As we went through the photos, she showed me her favorite. “That’s the woman I spent the afternoon with.”  I wasn’t looking at the camera or thinking body positioning. She’s hysterical and I was having a good laugh, enjoying the moment. 

She spent the afternoon with all the versions of me. This is the one that has required safety to reveal. The one that’s the irreverent executive. Wholly authentic and genuine. The one I rarely let out. 

So this is the first photo I’m sharing. I don’t want this version of me tucked away for careful moments. I want her howler monkey laugh, where she can’t breathe. 

I’d love if we could all do that. Worry less about our faces, bodies, or brand.  Just worry less, full stop.  Be more in the moment. Fully present, even in moments of – *gasp* – joy. 

Seeing this image, I realize how rarely I let her out. I don’t want to relegate her to safe spaces. To moments where I don’t catch myself and allow laughter and joy to take over. 

This year I want to bring the joy. Invite and welcome others to do the same. It’s the greatest gift we can give ourselves and those around us.  When we show up unapologetically, it permits others to do the same. 

So let us CREATE the safe spaces where joy can come out by not restricting ourselves.  Let’s hesitate to judge, allow others the space to be who they are, and lean into the opportunity it gives us to do the same.

What is your intention for the new year?  I’d love if you’d share it in the comments so we can support each other on the journey.

Unfiltered moment of joy, captured by @myfriendteresa

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