The single greatest truth to manifest what we want in life


We all have things we want.  Some that may be profound.  Others might be simple.

Maybe our desires are around a job.  A relationship.  Or a way of life.  And maybe we struggle to receive – or achieve – those.

I don’t want to dismiss for one second that there are very real obstacles that may be standing in the way of achieving our desires.  The world is not fair.  Environments are rarely equal playing fields for everyone.  And don’t even get me started on dating at any age.

However, even with those factors, there is one great truth we must face to manifest what we want.

What we want in or from others begins in us.

Looking within

When I look back on times I’ve struggled…when I’ve wanted something and have hit wall after wall…each time there was something I had to unlock in myself first.

The environment might have been crap.  Odds might not have been in my favor.  But mindset matters.  It absolutely matters.  

If I believed myself unworthy, even a supportive environment would not provide what I needed.  Or a supportive partner.  

We must start within to how we treat, speak to, and think about ourselves first.  Believe we deserve love to find it.  That we deserve an environment that we can thrive in, so it is made available where we are or in a new opportunity.

When we are caught in negative thinking about ourselves, we will find ourselves in patterns that reinforce that thinking.  It is only through an absolute belief in our worthiness that we can break those patterns.  Kick down the walls of whatever box we find ourselves in.

All change starts here

We are the only constant in each environment, relationship, or life stage we’re in.  If we want something different, we are the only element in every circumstance that we are certain of.  Every other person, place, or thing is variable.  We are our constant.

And that’s damn powerful.

Who has the opportunity to know us better than we do?  We may need to do some excavating to root out our patterns, triggers, self-talk, or limiting beliefs.  That’s okay.  We aren’t alone in that.  We all have them and we all have work to do.  Your work might not look like my work, but we can certainly share in the journey.

All change starts within us, no matter what we want to receive or achieve.  If we can get to a place where we believe in our worthiness, the universe can do the rest.  

Luck is preparedness meeting opportunity.  So prepare yourself, and when the opportunity comes, you’re more likely to recognize it and grab it with both hands. 

I’ll be doing the same over here. Let me know if you’d like to join me in some excavating.


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