Another Monday, another week to conquer. Except for those weeks that feel like five never-ending Mondays. The weeks that you think “I just need to get to next week,” except it’s been a month (or two) of telling yourself that.
We’ve all been there. Maybe it’s one day that feels tough, and we bounce back the next. A week that didn’t go as planned, and we’re refreshed after the weekend. Could be a tough month or longer, where a vacation helped clear the mind and refocus.
Sometimes, no amount of re-framing, refreshing, or reenergizing feels like enough. We feel stuck, like every day is groundhog day.
Mindset matters
It is possible this role or organization is not a good fit. Maybe it’s time to look for another opportunity, either inside or outside the organization.
However, mindset matters. Interviewers, both within and outside the company, sense when candidates are running towards an opportunity or away from a challenge.
The beautiful thing about mindset, is we can change it. We can influence our own perspective so we are going in fresh to a new opportunity. Or to our existing one.
A great way to shift our mindset from “lacking” to something positive is to look for something that provides purpose and energy.
A focus on growth
Purpose and energy can come from a wide variety of sources. Going beyond a new role or organization, it can come from volunteering, mentoring/reverse mentoring, learning through training/reading/seminars, or a new hobby.
All of these examples have one thing in common, they assume growth. They provide an opportunity to meet someone new, create new experiences, and/or developing a new skill.
Establish an intention, put a point out on the horizon to achieve that intention, and then get going. The growth comes from the journey ahead. No matter whether it is work related or personal, you can establish a purpose and direct your energy beyond the current “rut.”
The hero(ine)’s journey
In every situation, there is an opportunity to learn.
It may be the new connection, skill, hobby, or experience. Or maybe how to get out of a rut. Or how that the perceived rut only needed a new mindset to feel like home again.
Every hero(ine) is presented with challenges to overcome. As the hero(ine) of our own stories, our challenges will come, sometimes again and again.
It is rare, if ever, that the dragon we need to slay is a peer, boss, CEO, or organization. Instead, our reactions, choices, mindset…they all matter. The challenges we face are not our dragons. The things we do, feel, and think, either hold us back or help us move forward.
Turns out, we are the dragon every time.
Next time you find yourself in a week full of Mondays, ask yourself…what can I learn from this? What can I do to change my mindset, create meaningful purpose and energy, and slay my dragon today?
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What other advice would you have for helping someone who feels stuck in a rut? Please share your thoughts in the comments. If you found this article helpful, please share it with your network using the sharing buttons to the left.