Since my early days, developing and practicing the skills of my profession, I have been interested in three things – learning, doing and sharing. For the last few years, I have been focused on photography as my creative outlet. I had been working in the same area for a while and needed to challenge myself. Photography allowed me to spend time with my family – driving them nuts photographing them – and develop a new passion. I could regularly learn (new methods and techniques), do (photo workshops, gallery shows, and studio sessions), and share (teaching and blogging)
My day job recently changed, offering me an opportunity to redirect my passion to work and pull back on my outside hobbies. I spend my days learning and doing anew. Yet, I know to keep balance in my personal and professional life, I must be sharing as well. I have been writing for years – as a mother (journaling), as a photographer (blogging), author (my first book) and as a project manager (endless deliverables of varying type and purpose).
While I have continuously tried to find ways to share what I know with others, I wanted to create a consistent forum as my life and work changes over time. As a Marine Corps brat, I have embraced and celebrated change for many decades…with an underlying need for consistency where I can find or create it. As a wife and mother, with a lively 4 year old, creating consistency has been even more important in the last few years. This is a place to develop consistency in sharing. Sharing what I know with you, my readers, about life, leadership, management and motherhood…all of us doing our best to balance and keep it all together.
I encourage you to comment on posts – sharing your own stories and experience. Link back to your own sites, articles and posts. This is a place where we can learn from one another and maybe save someone else a little time scaling a learning curve or a headache that they’d otherwise experience. Hell, if nothing else, we can commiserate!
Thank you for coming along on this journey.