Leader Tools: Mindset

The articles below contain a series of models, tools and content to help leaders consider their own mindset in preparation for coaching and developing team members through challenges. From negative self-talk and self-doubt to fear and limiting beliefs, we can only conquer that which we can name and face.

How to be your own coach and drive successful outcomes

While coaching can certainly be beneficial, learning the tools to help ourselves challenge and change unhelpful narratives can last well beyond a coaching session. Click on the image to learn more about helping ourselves address limiting beliefs.

How to have the courage and confidence to realize your true power

Fear is real, necessary, and human. It can also prevent us from realizing our true potential or stepping into the unknowns of growth. No one expects us to be without fear, but we can be fear aware. Click on the image to learn more about facing fears to move forward with confidence.

The surprising new tip to combat the inner critic

We do not start out with a highly critical inner voice. Yet many of us have a bird chirping in our ear that holds us back from realizing our goals, pursuing new endeavors, or growing into our potential as leaders. Click on the image to learn more about a creative tool for facing our inner critic.

How to reframe inner criticism for outer confidence

Negative self-talk can hold us back from our goals. In some cases, there are very real challenges we face. That doesn’t mean we can’t put them in context to help us move forward purposefully. Click on the image to discover how reframing our self-talk can transform our perspective.

How to help yourself out of the suck

Sometimes things go poorly. Mistakes happen. We don’t get a job we wanted. How we respond to bad outcomes is potentially more important than how we respond to successes. Click on the image to learn more about getting ourselves out of negative thinking following the unexpected.

3 steps to turn doubt into confidence

When we are relatively new on the job, we do not have a lot of experience to tell us when we are ready for that next step or opportunity. Self-doubt may be whispering in our ear and holding us back. Click on the link for steps on how to put doubt into perspective to embrace opportunity.