Category: Team Leadership

A simple formula for success

A Simple Formula for Success

  While there are many factors to achieving great results, I’ve found that one has the greatest impact.  Passion. When I first started working, I

Whose choice is it anyway

Whose Choice is it Anyway?

I was once part of a group of friends with A and B.  Somewhere along the line, my relationship with B became strained.  Eventually, it

I know you The risks of affinity

I Know You – The Risks of Affinity

I spent my formative years as part of a Marine Corps family.  Later, I worked for the Marine Corps as a civil servant.  Just before

Mentoring 101 Perspective

Mentoring 101 – Perspective

This week, I had the privilege of speaking to a large group of women (and a few men) about mentoring at the Women In insurance

Foolishness is the path to awesomeness

Foolishness is the Path to Awesomeness

I am a firm believer in foolishness at work.  That’s right.  Foolishness. Maybe I shouldn’t admit it.  Someone might read this and think I spend

5 steps to creating a Mentoring Circle

5 Steps to Creating a Mentoring Circle

It’s been 9 months since I started meeting regularly with a small group of aspiring women leaders.  Every month, we get together and talk about

I_m no prince charming

I’m No Prince Charming

In the last few months, I have been spending a lot of time thinking and talking with others about mentoring. When I bring up the

3 Ways to blow an interview

3 Ways to Blow an Interview

Last week, I shared some insights on career change.  Once someone makes the mental commitment to change jobs, then starts the real work of updating