Month: August 2013

The Serial Hobbyist

The Serial Hobbyist

For the first 10 years of my career, I had the good fortune of aligning my need for change with the type of work I

What took me four decades to learn

What took me four decades to learn

Finally! Yesterday, we closed on our old house and our new one.  We’ve been living in the new pad for 2 1/2 months, but it

wait for it or make it happen

Wait for it…or make it happen?

As I mentioned a while back, we recently moved to a new home.  It was the day before we were supposed to close and everything

Networking tips for the Socially Awkward

Networking Tips for the Socially Awkward

Are you a social butterfly or someone that can walk into any room and feel comfortable engaging new people?  That’s great.  Congratulations.  I want to